Thursday, 4 December 2014

Hair Talk

Hi! I just realized I have never done a hair post. This is about to be corrected

When I was younger, I had really long luscious hair, mid-back length. However when I traveled to the UK for educational reasons, it all went downhill.When I moved back home (still not final), my hair was struggling to stay at arm pit length. I was introduced to nigerian hair bloggers that had waist length and my healthy hair journey began! It was a no brainer tbh. Also I like to know that if weaves, braids and wigs do not exist/ magically disappear, I can confidently leave my house with my natural hair. This is actually very serious. When I see some women at the salon without their wigs *shudder*

I was considering a 'big chop' to go natural but due to my texture problems, lack of guts & patience, the plan could not happen. I started following hair bloggers especially Lade of rehairducation because she has relaxed hair and I have noticed A LOT of improvement- growth and volume wise. I started my hair journey properly on the 1st of september 2014.
                BSBL stands for Below shoulder blade length

My hair is currently between arm pit length and bra strap length and is growing everyday. My goal for 2014 is bra strap length and I definitely see this happening ( will share pictures at the end of the year).

Summary of the changes to my hair regime:
1) On a particular wash day, I used both sulfate and sulfate free shampoos and I discovered the sulfate shampoo made my hair hard and dry. So I chucked out my sulfate shampoos.I also co wash weekly now.

2) Deep condition with protein and moisture conditioners every 2 weeks. This gives my hair a nice balance. But I deep condition with protein only a week before relaxer day.

3) Stretching out my relaxer. My last stretch was 15 weeks (I was so proud).I have decided to relax my hair 3 times a year now. This was one of my drastic changes. Before I knew better, I relaxed my hair every 2 months. I know, so tragic. I blame the british weather.

4) Less heat. On wash and co washing days, I air dry my hair. Hair feels so soft and full afterwards, love it! I use hair dryers with a low heat setting once a month.

5) No more weaves. I found that with weaves I constantly straightened my leave out which was destroying my front hair and hair line. Hair under the weave was not getting the TLC it required.

Now I love braids. With my braids I can wash, co wash and moisturize easily. My hair growth is great when I have braids in.

6) Moisturize and seal daily & nightly. I use both moisture and protein leave-ins & oils mixture- olive oil, castor, tea tree, rosemary & coconut oil. Shea butter and aloe vera gel from the actual plant are great as well.

With all these changes, I expect to have waist length hair soon. If you have not started the hair journey, what are you waiting for? xx

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